ClearScale -
Open Source Commercial-Grade
Time Stretching/Pitch Shifting Project

by Stephan M. Bernsee

Latest News

May 24, 2005 -- The free time stretching and pitch shifting library DIRAC (formerly ClearScale) is now online in the Technology category on

April 19, 2005 -- Here are the latest (and last) news regarding my ClearScale project that was aimed at bringing an open source high end time stretching and pitch shifting to the market, to be published under the GPL. Unfortunately, as it happens frequently in this educational business, the company who agreed on sponsoring the development never paid for it and the money from donations (a whopping 120 USD) wasn't even enough to pay for the costs of keeping the site alive. However, since I have the project half finished already I decided for a compromise: ClearScale will soon be available as a free object library for various platforms called "Dirac". I will not publish the source code, but the basic library is still free to be used in commercial and non-commercial projects without restriction. I plan on making a professional version available for a licensing fee to finally cover the development costs, but the basic library is free for the time being. I think this is fair enough, considering the many months development time that went into creating it. More on the Dirac library will soon be posted on the DSPdimension at when I'm finished cleaning up and redesigning the site. will eventually be closed.